Find as many words as you can while the clock is running. Words are formed from letter squares that touch each other, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The letters must connect in the same order as the word is spelled, and the same square cannot be used twice in a single word.
With a mouse or touchscreen words can be spelled by clicking the letters in sequence, and then clicking the Submit button. As an alternative, words can also be submitted by double clicking or right clicking on the final letter. Mistakes can be corrected by clicking backwards through the highlighted letters. For convenience there are also buttons to clear the entire selection, and to rotate the puzzle for a fresh perspective.
Words can also be entered with the keyboard by typing them in the input box below the puzzle, and submitting with either the enter key or the spacebar. The following keyboard shortcuts are available:
/Rotate the puzzle
<Move cursor to puzzle
>Move cursor to chat
The minimum word length is four letters, but you can click one of the birds in the top right of the screen to increase the minimum word length for a greater challenge!
Earn a star by being the first to find a word with eight or more letters. Every board is guaranteed to have at least one such word. But if another player finds an even longer word than yours, the star becomes theirs.

The NASPA Word List 2023 is used to validate word guesses. Words must therefore meet the same criteria as used by Scrabble: A valid word is not a proper noun, is spelled without a hyphen or apostrophe, and does not have its only usage as part of a multi-word phrase.

It is also possible to view definitions for words in the solution word list. To enable this feature, click the Settings button, and then click the button that says Enable definitionsAccount button, use the left and right arrow buttons as needed to navigate through the panels, and click the Enable Definitions box. After allowing a moment for definitions to load, hovering the mouse pointer over a word in the solution list will display its definition, if available.

  • The definitions occupy about 50MB of storage in your browser cache
  • The browser cache is used to store images and data from any websites that you visit, and your browser is free to decide when it wants to reallocate this storage.
  • Therefore, sometimes when you leave WordBird.Fun and navigate to other websites, and then return to WordBird.Fun later, you may find that definitions are no longer working. If this happens, you should be able to restore them by reloading WordBird.Fun, and/or following the same steps above to enable definitions.

If in the settings panel you see a notification that says Definitions unavailable:

  • If definitions were previously working for you, then the issue is most likely the browser overwriting the storage space that had previously held the definitions, as described above. Try reloading WordBird.Fun and revisiting Settings, or if that does not work, try searching your browser menus for an option to clear browser cache or clear site data
  • Definitions may be unavailable entirely if you are using a browser that is more than a few years old, or if your browser has security settings that prevent WordBird.Fun from utilizing the browser cache for storage
  • Update for PC users: unfortunately, definitions may be broken in recent versions of the Firefox browser, because it has lower quota limits on storage. Definitions do seem to work okay with the Chrome browser.

Please note also that a mouse is required to view definitions. At the present time there is not any way to view definitions on a mobile/touch device

Player accounts allow a player to reserve their name for their own exclusive use, play in tournaments, and also keep track of some scoring records and achievements.

Accounts are offered by invitation only. No email or proof of identity is required. To qualify for an account, a player must:

  • Play consistently with the same name, and
  • Not already have another account

If you'd like an account and meet the conditions above, all you need to do is continue playing and keep an eye on the Messages panel for an invitation link to appear.

From the account page, you can select an avatar by clicking on the outline of a person, above your name.

Click the left and right "More" buttons to page through your settings and records.

The WordBirdFun server runs on a Raspberry Pi. The website is built with open source building blocks and freeware including:

The NASPA Word List 2023, used for verifying word guesses and displaying definitions, is provided by the North American Scrabble Players Association

Thanks to all the players who have reported issues, helped test new features, and shared their ideas for improving the site!

Thanks for sharing bug reports or suggestions for the website!


website designed by
Ky MacPherson

photography by
James Roberts


High scores will be recorded here!


Words Guessed



same puzzles, no people
name length 2 to 20
letters, numbers, and spaces
please try another name
returning users
with an account
please try again

of use



  • Is free to play
  • Respects your privacy
  • Does not collect or require any personal information

Your name

  • Can be any identity that you choose for yourself, taking the terms below into consideration

Users of WordBird.Fun must

  • Not disrupt others' enjoyment of the game. No discourtesy, offensive language, or spam
  • Keep their political views to themselves. This is a place to relax and have fun; not a place for propagandization or divisive opinion
  • Not cheat or intend harm to the website
  • Not impersonate site management or other players